Free healthy cooking demos
Western Sydney Diabetes received a $20,000 ClubGrant to hold nutrition and cooking demonstrations in the Workers Blacktown over 18 months.
The project also complements the Western Sydney Changing Diabetes program.
Western Sydney Diabetes (WSD) has partnered with Workers Lifestyle Group and Novo Nordisk to launch the Western Sydney Changing Diabetes campaign to boost diabetes detection, awareness and prevention.
The objectives of the program are:
- Create a whole of community approach
- Increasing awareness of diabetes and the risk of diabetes
- Creating awareness on the opportunities for early detection
- Creating awareness for prevention through lifestyle changes
- Reduce type 2 diabetes in the community of Blacktown where
it is currently prevalent.

A pilot session of the cooking demonstration was run in November and attended by 15 participants.
The demonstrator, nutritionist Paula Escudero, provides nutritional information to the group while preparing three delicious healthy fast main meals you can create at home.
You will be given tips on nutrition and on how you may like modify the recipes for even more variety. While a focus will be given on people with diabetes, these demonstrations are suitable for anyone interested in eating well.
For the recipes see below.
We will be running an extra cooking demo on July 13 in honour of National Diabetes Week (July 9-15).
The cooking demos run on the last Thursday of the month at 11am:
September 28
October 26
November 30
If you would like to book in for the next session, click here.
Paula is a Nutritionist, Diabetes Educator and Wellness Consultant
Bachelor of Health and Science (Nutritional Medicine); Master of Science in Medicine (Metabolic Health) and Diabetes Education and Health Care Graduate Certificate. (BHealthSc (Nut); MSc (Med)(MetabHlth); DE(HIthCare) GradCert)
“As a diabetes educator, I aim to help, educate, support, and empower those with diabetes. I want to support them in managing and learning to live with this complex metabolic disease by following a healthy lifestyle. Also, I want to help women understand and cope with menopause and aging.”