Walking in Western Sydney
WSD has a commitment to encouraging our residents to become physically active.
It was decided that GPs would be an excellent resource to encourage sedentary people to start exercising. With this in mind, WSD partnered with the WSPHN and the Heart Foundation to set up walking groups from GP practices.
This concept has proven to be most popular and now 22 GP Walking Groups have been started in western Sydney.
During COVID-19 these groups have disbanded however it’s pleasing to see them beginning to restart.
North Rocks’ Stratford Rd Medical Practice and Mount Druitt Medical Centre recently restarted their walking groups. This effort has been led by the Practice Nurses and admin staff and engages with over 60 active walkers weekly.
This concept has now spread to the community and WSD are actively seeking groups of residents who may want to set up their own walking groups.
A highlight for 2020 was the setup of the first community walking group, the Glenwood Walkers, in February with 10 people (pictured).
This was a result of WSD promoting the Heart Foundation Walking and the benefits of walking to community groups. During the pandemic the Foundation continued to engage walkers as most groups were forced to change their routines. The Glenwood Walkers restarted in June.
Council websites have excellent resources outlining enjoyable, scenic and historic walks which give plenty of ideas and inspiration for anyone who’s keen to start walking in western Sydney.
Check out our Healthy Living Options: Out and About Directory for activities to get you moving.