Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

Why you should invest in Primary Prevention

Evidence shows that type 2 diabetes can largely be prevented through lifestyle intervention, weight reduction and changes to diet and exercise.

The burden of type 2 diabetes comes at a cost. There are the personal costs of deterioration in health and quality of life, as well as financial costs to the economy. The financial costs are not limited to the costs of the disease itself, but include the costs of associated health conditions and other non-healthcare costs such as Government subsidies and loss of income from being unable to attend work.

It is estimated that the average annual financial cost of a patient with type 2 diabetes in western Sydney (healthcare and other costs) is $16,124.

Primary prevention programs are recognised as either cost-saving or cost-effective across all age groups.

WSD, in collaboration with key Alliance members, has developed an Investment Opportunity portfolio which outlines the cost benefits of a 14 year investment in 13 key interventions. The net outcome is that a an investment of $124.27 million over this time would provide a net financial benefit of $577.99 million

In the meantime, Alliance members remain vigilant for funding opportunities for which they can apply either individually or in partnership. Potential funding opportunities are distributed amongst the members as they become available. This practice has resulted in the allocation of millions of dollars to prevention efforts in western Sydney over the last 5 years.

Read our latest Investment Opportunity: Primary Prevention document here.