Masterclass Series 2024

Register now for the Masterclass Series 2024

Western Sydney Diabetes again has partnered with a prestigious faculty of 50 health professionals from across NSW to help tackle the diabetes epidemic in NSW. 

Western Sydney Diabetes is proud to present the sixth annual Masterclass Series 2024.

In 2024 the series is facilitated by Western Sydney Diabetes, ACI – Agency for Clinical Innovation, Diabetes, Obesity Metabolism Translational Research Unit (DOMTRU) and the Western Sydney LHD/PHN, Hunter New England LHD/PHN, Nepean Blue Mountains LHD/PHN, and South Western Sydney LHD/PHNs.

The event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

See the FULL program below of both the face to face and virtual sessions.

Prof Clara Chow delivers the keynote talk on AI at the 2023 Masterclass Series' face to face day.

This year, please note the FREE Face to Face Day will launch this year’s series – and what a day it promises to be.

We will return to the PARKROYAL Parramatta on Saturday, September 14 where you can enjoy interactive sessions and case studies around an array of management issues related to diabetes, delivered by an expert faculty of Endocrinologists, General Practitioners and diabetes health professionals.

Enjoy the opportunity of networking with colleagues and learn from a faculty of more than 25 expert health professionals from across NSW, at no cost to you. 

On the day, learn more from our pharmaceutical sponsors and partners and what they have to offer from their information booths at the one day of face-to-face sessions.

Virtual: This is then followed by a high quality and comprehensive virtual program over 7 weeks featuring expert guest speakers, interactive case studies and panel discussions for each evening, delivered by about 50 highly-qualified faculty from across NSW who will keep you right up-to-date with the management of type 2 diabetes.

The evenings will include short and interactive case discussion or question and answer sessions.

WSD Masterclass co-ordinator and Endocrine registrar Dr Tsui Yue Ong said diabetes is a global issue that impacts people of all races and countries.

“Recognising and managing diabetes early is crucial,” Dr Ong said. “It can prevent or delay the onset of these complications, significantly enhancing the quality of life for our patients. Our meticulously curated themes, addressing various facets of diabetes and metabolic diseases, are designed to be both relevant and practical for general practice.

“These sessions will be delivered in a hybrid format, combining the convenience of virtual learning with the engagement of face-to-face interactions.”

When participants enrol for the Series they will have access to the recorded presentations and slides which will be hosted long term on the myINTERACT app.

If you have any issues registering onto the platform, please email:

At the end of the evening you will be asked to answer a feedback form and you will receive a Certificate of Attendance which you can use to claim CPD points. Please allow up to a week to receive your certificate on the myINTERACT app.  

The Series activity can be logged using my CPD dashboard on the RACGP website

  • Click on the ‘Quick Log’ record the activity

How to access your Certificate of Attendance:

  • You must complete your feedback survey after each face to face session and each virtual night.
  • Survey link will be sent in an email by myINTERACT after the session
  • You can access it on the myINTERACT app, via the ‘event’ tab – please refresh your app regularly. It should arrive quickly.