Final night of the Diabesity Masterclass 2021 Series

The final night of the 12 week series will be run by the team from Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District who will discuss ‘Diabetes in Aged Care and Mental Health’.

Western Sydney Diabetes has partnered with a prestigious faculty of 55 health professionals from across NSW to help tackle the diabetes epidemic in NSW.

We’re now half way through this year’s program which features Western Sydney Diabetes (WSLHD/PHN) collaborating with Blacktown Metabolic and Weight Loss Program, South Western Sydney LHD/PHN, Nepean Blue Mountains LHD/PHN and Hunter New England LHD/PHN.

The final night will be run by the team from Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District who will discuss ‘Diabetes in Aged Care and Mental Health’ on Monday, October 25. 

The 12 week series ends on October 25, and it is not too late to register for the 12 week Series as you can watch previous weeks on the myINTERACT app. 

Register for the Series through the myINTERACT platform here.


See the full program here.

The event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, practice and community nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

In 2020, WSD (Western Sydney Local Health District) collaborated with Blacktown Obesity and Metabolic Clinic and Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (NMBLHD) and associated Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to run the event, producing 15 hours of educational content.

To grow on the success of last year’s series, which attracted almost 800 registrants, WSD has expanded its partnership to South West Sydney and Hunter New England LHDs and PHNs to develop a comprehensive program to address diabetes in their regions.

WSD Masterclass co-ordinator and Endocrine registrar Dr Raymond Kodsi said both type 2 diabetes and obesity are complex, inter-related and multifaceted issues.

“The Masterclass Series will address specific topics related to these comorbidities over several weeks to upskill health professionals and give them the confidence to manage these issues,” Dr Kodsi said.

“As a result this will decrease the burden of complications and the demand on specialist and acute hospital resources in the long term.”

The Masterclass will cover 12 themes delivered by about 50 highly-qualified faculty from across NSW who will keep you right up-to-date with the management of type 2 diabetes.

The evenings will include short and interactive case discussion or question and answer sessions.

When participants enrol for the whole series they will have access to the recorded presentations and slides which will be hosted long term on the myINTERACT app.

At the end you will be asked to answer a feedback form and you will receive a Certificate of Attendance which you can use to claim CPD points. Please allow  up to a week to receive your certificate on the myINTERACT app.  

The Series activity can be logged using my CPD dashboard on the RACGP website

  • Click on the ‘Quick Log’ record the activity

How to access your Certificate of Attendance:

• You must complete your feedback survey after the session

• Survey link will be sent in an email by myINTERACT after the session

• You can access it on the myINTERACT app, via the ‘event’ tab  – please refresh your app regularly. Allow a week to receive it.

Details: The Diabesity Masterclass 2021 Series will run every Monday, 7pm-8.30pm, from August 2 to October 25 with each night addressing a different topic.