From very humble beginnings to one of the largest and most successful hospitality organisations in Sydney, the Workers Lifestyle Group possesses a strong philosophy on stability and progress while priding itself on maintaining a true sense of community. The Group proudly boasts over 55,000 members and growing.
Featuring five floors of sporting and health facilities, two restaurants, multiple function rooms, a showroom, a great selection of sub and sporting clubs and a host of other facilities for its members, the Workers Blacktown is a premium entertainment and leisure destination in western Sydney.
In the early days of the old Tin Shed, the club could only accommodate 250 members and demand was so great that ‘intending’ members had to join a waiting list until their number came up. The Club has expanded many times over the years to accommodate the needs of Blacktown’s population.
The Blacktown branch of the Labor Party convened a meeting at the Blacktown School Of Arts on January 23, 1955 to discuss the formation of a club, using the very successful Mildura Workers Club as an example. Twenty six interested people attended the meeting chaired by Don Crellin, who outlined the aims and functions of the proposed club and suggested it be run on a non-political and non-sectarian basis.
During the discussions it was mooted that the club be called the Blacktown Workingman’s Club but this was knocked back after it was pointed out that, if registered, it would automatically debar women from becoming members.
It was formally moved that the club be formed and known as the Blacktown Workers’ Club, which was passed unanimously. A committee was then elected with Jim Moffat, Tom Gibbs, Frank Dunn, Bob Jessop, Les O’Connor, Les Masters, Eric Green, John Kilpatrick and Harold Laybutt successful candidates.
To cover the cost of renting the hall and placing an advertisement in the Blacktown Advocate, a collection was taken up. After expenses, the first bank balance of the newly born Blacktown Workers’ Club was the princely sum of one shilling and seven pence.
The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. And the Blacktown Workers Sports Club reflects the qualities of a successful sporting team: passionate, dedicated and determined. Passionate about sport and its role in the community; dedicated to supporting members and affiliated sporting bodies with excellent services and facilities; and determined at maintaining a high level of success.
The Club you see today opened it’s doors on December 13, 1998, with the original sporting and recreation club owned by the club receiving it’s first liquor licence on July 15, 1978. Workers Sports is a modern and functional venue featuring a Sports Bar and Lounge, International Buffet, Coffee Shop, and a popular outdoor area. The Club is located on the H.E. Laybutt Reserve, adjacent to the renowned sporting complex which features two soccer fields, two rugby league fields/cricket ovals, three bowling greens, five all weather tennis courts and a baseball diamond. The H.E. Laybutt Sporting complex is home to many of our affiliated sporting teams and sub-clubs, boasting some 7,000 sportsmen and women, seniors and juniors.
Our foundation members have long been considered pioneers given their foresight to establish Workers Blacktown and make wise investments to ensure our long-term longevity. The most recent acquisition was the purchase of Hubertus Country Club at the end of 2014. Rich in German history it has been brought to back to life.
It now trades as the Workers Hubertus, in the heart of rural Luddenham. Plenty of land, club house complete with dining facilities, old school kids area, functions rooms, stage, outdoor marquee, pond, indoor and outdoor shooting range plus lots of potential. The biggest event remains the Oktoberfest celebration held on the first weekend in October when we kick up the German festivities like only we know how!